Published 15 March 2023: 'Hier ist alles sicher'
The German edition of Hier is alles veilig by Anneleen van Offel will be published by Oktaven Verlag

Published 15 March 2023: 'Hier ist alles sicher'

Published on 19 January, 2023 at 10:43 am, updated on 19 January, 2023 at 10:44 am

About the book

Lydia, a Belgian doctor, hurries over to Israel after receiving an alarming email from her stepson Immanuel. Her ex-husband took him to the Promised Land ten years ago, in the hope of finding a home there. Since then, Lydia has neither seen nor spoken to the boy. When she arrives in Israel it’s too late: Immanuel has passed away. Confronted with the loss, Lydia tries to piece together the life of her stepson, now a grown man. Through conversations with his girlfriend, his father and random passers-by she reconstructs the life of a young man in the army, who got caught up in a reality that was greater than himself

Auteur: Anneleen Van Offel

Anneleen Van Offel (1991) studeerde Woordkunst aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium van Antwerpen. Ze publiceerde columns in De Standaard en verhalen en poëzie in diverse literaire tijdschriften. Anneleen is programmator van De Sprekende Ezels in Gent, redacteur bij Deus Ex Machina en Letterzetter (stadsdichter) van Kortrijk in 2019-2021. Voor deze roman sprak ze tientallen Israëli's, Israëlische (ex-)soldaten en hun familie.

Anneleen Van Offel - Hier is alles veilig
Anneleen Van Offel

Een moeder reist door een land onder hoogspanning, op zoek naar haar zoon

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